moving between extremes -50 degrees in difference!

What’ the reason of living in Scandinavia anyway? I you ask me, part of it is having 4 distinct seasons. On the way back from Argentina I had snowy and cold landscapes on my mind. Skiing, sauna and beginning of the training season. Well back in Sweden all the snow I had heard about had almost melted away. So after a week in Stockholm I decided to take a trip to Finland -in search of the REAL winter. Kauhava, where my grandparents live, delivered what I was hoping for: -20 degrees and loads of snow!

as this areas of Finland is so flat there is mainly cross country skiing, but what’s wrong with that?

imagine doing 100 move circuits on this wall. the hardest training mentaly ever. I guess boring is the right word!

the simple life

from Buenos Aires to Kauhava the tango scene changes quite a lot -but it’s still tango!

after training, music and sauna it’s always nice to kick back for a bbq in a place like this. and enjoy the sound of silence.